Zulfiqar Hasan
A financial statement (or financial report) is a formal record of the financial activities of a corporation. A financial statement is often referred to as an account. A report issued annually by a corporation to its stockholders is called annual report. An annual report is a brief profile on the health of a company.
Elements of Annual Report
Usually the corporate type of business organization published annual report in every year.

Common elements of any annual report are as follows:
1. Cover page =>Year=> Organization Name=>Logo=>Color=>image etc
2. Company Vision
3. Company Mission
4. List of Board of Directors
5. Brief Profile of the Board of Directors
6. List of Sponsor-Shareholders
7. Executive Committee
8. Board Audit Committee
9. Risk Management Committee
10. Shariah Supervisory Committee (For Islamic Business organization)
11. Management Team
12. Corporate Information
13. Five years Financial Performance at a Glance
14. Notice of the Annual General Meeting
15. From the Desk of the Chairman (Speech of Chairman)
16. Round up - Managing Director & CEO
17. Directors’ Report (Details Report)
18. Report of the Board Audit Committee
19. Report of the Shariah Supervisory Committee (For Islamic business organization)
20. Auditors’ Report
21. Consolidated Balance Sheet
22. Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
23. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
24. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
25. Consolidated Statement of Liquidity
26. Balance Sheet
27. Profit and Loss Account
28. Cash Flow Statement
29. Statement of Changes in Equity
30. Statement of Liquidity
31. Notes to the Financial Statements
32. Highlights on the Overall Activities
33. Financial Statements – Off-Shore Banking Unit
34. Market Discipline - Disclosure
35. Report on Risk Management
36. Profile of Subsidiaries
37. Branches Lists of the organization
38. Proxy Form & Attendance Slip for AGM
Based on the types of corporation, the elements of annual report may vary from each other.
Contributor: Zulfiqar Hasan, Associate Professor (Finance)

