Feb 01,2016
Zulfiqar Hasan
Students of BBA and MBA are required to prepare an internship report or dissertation. The structure of the report varies university to university. Different university has different prescribed format.
The organization of cover page must be lucrative and informative. A unique format for designing cover page is given on above image.
The cover page must contain the following 4 informative parts.
- Title of Dissertation/Internship Report: should be given at the top of the cover page.
- Supervisor information: Supervisor’s name, Designation, Department and University
- Student Information: Student’s name, ID No., Batch & Section, Program Department, University
- University Information: University Logo, Name (Full address is not required, but location can be mentioned) and Date of Submission of the report below the university name.
Black or deep gray color is higly appreciated for cover page. Hard binding is essential. Do not use any red color (Except the original logo) for text at the cover page.