Zulfiqar Hasan
Students of BBA, MBA, LLB and other programs are required to prepare internship, dissertation, project works or assignments frequently. To make the report authentic and accurate students need to cite the sources. Citing the sources is called referencing. Harvard, MLA and APA referencing methods are used by the researchers.
This article provides examples of how to cite materials both in body text and in the list of references given at the end of the report.
1.0 Book - by one author
a. In text (body of the report) citation
(Madura, 2014) or Madura (2014) defines “Agency problems as the conflict ….” (p. 03).
b. In reference list (at the end of the report)
Madura, J. (2014). International financial management. 9th Edition. Mason, USA: Thomson South-Western
Author’s Last Name, First name. (Year of Publication). Book Name in italic form. Edition. City, Country: Publisher
2.0 Book - by two authors
a. In text (body) citation
(Besley & Brigham, 2012) or Besley & Brigham (2012) illustrated Finance as the ……
When citing in-text, if the author's names are in parentheses, use the & symbol. Otherwise, in-text use and before the last author of a citation (Publication Manual, p. 175).
b. In reference list (at the end of the report)
Besley, S., & Brigham, Eugene, F. (2012). Essentials of Managerial Finance. 13th Edition. Ohio, USA: Thomson South-Western
Contributor: Zulfiqar Hasan is a University Teacher working as an Associate Professor (Finance). He can be reached: hasanzulfiqar@yahoo.co.uk