Who can apply?
A students having minimum 2nd class in all examinations or CGPA 3.5 (out of 5.0) or 3.0 (out of 4.0) in all examinations can apply for Ph.D or M.Phil program.
Ph.D requirements: M.Phil or 4 years honors with 01 year master degree.
Students who obtained bachelor (honours) and masters degree from any department of University of Dhaka/any public university of Bangladesh would be eligible for enrolment in Ph.D program directly. Foreign degree holders need to show their equivalent grades with Dhaka University.
Usually Dhaka University invites applications in designated forms from interested candidates for enrolment in Ph.D. program in the month of January in any academic year.
Application forms could be collected from room number 323 of the registrar's office.
To collect admission forms, a candidate will have to show certificate of M.Phil. or all original mark certificates along with the receipt of depositing Taka 1,000 at TSC branch of Janata Bank.
After filling properly, the applications would have to be submitted at the office of the chairman/ director of concerned department or institute.
Private University Students: Those who obtained bachelor (honours) and masters degree from any private university of the country would not be eligible for enrolment in Ph.D. programme directly.
They will have to complete M.Phil. at DU before enrolment in Ph.D. programme.