This report is prepared on Investment Activities of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited: A Study on Manda Branch. This report describes a step by step approach of different investment modes of Al-Arafa Islami Bank Ltd. Bank has a sufficient role in the economic development process of a country.

For achieving the specific objectives of the study, data will be gathered most of from primary sources and little from secondary sources. Some financial tools and techniques are used to analyze the investment activities of this selected bank.

The report has been segregated into five chapters those are given. The 1st chapter contains the background, objectives, limitation etc. of the study and the 2nd chapter highlights profile of Al-Arafa Islami Bank Ltd. On the other hand the 3rd chapter Literature Review and the 4th chapter is the analysis and Findings of the study. Finally 5th chapter contains, recommendations.

The study finds that the Bank has not sufficient employees to operate investment department in the bank. Investment in Agricultural Sector Al- Arafah Islami Bank Ltd could not sufficient profit. The socio-economic development of rural poor people, a scheme named Grameen Small Investment. The grameen small investors are cannot proper facility to investment. The bank is also started working with women entrepreneurs to make them capable of earning by connecting with country’s economic activities. Small & Medium Enterprises, a number of SME related schemes are running in this Bank but facility is normal.

The major recommendations of the study are: The Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited should increase efficient employees in investment department. Investment in Agricultural Sector Al- Arafah Islami Bank Ltd proper recycling Agricultural Sector, then the bank would be profit this sector. By the side of collateral secured investment, collateral security free investment is also considered in the question of women development. Small & Medium Enterprises, a number of SME related schemes are running in this Bank but facility is normal. So the bank should increase Small & Medium Enterprises.

Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to know the evaluation modes of investment of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited. The specific objectives of the study are given as:

  1. to know the investment activities of Al-Arafa Islami Bank Ltd;
  2. to analyze the overall investment proposal, appraisal procedures, documentation system of AIBL and Conventional Banks;
  3. to identify the problems related to investments faced by Al-Arafa Islami Bank Ltd; and
  4. to recommend few solutions to overcome of this problems.

