This "The Balance of Payments (BOP)" is a lecture handout for the course of International Financial Management for MBA and BBA students. 

In general sense, the balance of payments (BOP) records all financial transactions made between consumers, businesses and the government in one country with others.

Major contents of this topic are:  Measure Nation’s levels of international economic activity, and how it is measured by the balance of payments; Examine the economic relationships underlying the two basic sub-components of the balance of payments – the Current and Capital Accounts.

To Identify the financial dimensions of international economic activity, and how they differ between merchandise & services trade; Identify balance of payment activities by nations in pursuit of domestic and global economic and political policies; Evaluate the history of capital mobility, and conditions that lead to capital flight in times of crisis.

Contributor Zulfiqar Hasan, is a Bangladeshi University teacher working as an Associate Professor (Finance). He can be reached: 

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