ABCP= Asset-backed commercial paper
ASA= Alternative Standardized Approach
ASF =Available Stable Funding
AVC= Asset value correlation
BB= Bangladesh Bank
BCBS= Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BIA= Basic Indicator Approach
BIS= Bank for International Settlements
CCF= Credit conversion factor
CCPs= Central counterparties
CCR= Counterparty credit risk
CD= Certificate of Deposit
CDS= Credit default swap
CET1= Common Equity Tier 1
CP = Commercial Paper
CRAR= Capital to Risk-weighted Asset Ratio
CRM= Credit risk mitigation
CUSIP= Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures
CVA =Credit valuation adjustment
DBPF= Defined Benefit Pension Fund
DTAs= Deferred tax assets
DTLs= Deferred tax liabilities
DVA= Debit valuation adjustment
DvP= Delivery-versus-payment
ECAI= External credit assessment institution
FIRB= Foundation internal ratings-based approach
FRA= Forward Rate Agreement
GoB =Government of Bangladesh
ICAAP= Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
IMM =Internal model method
IRB= Internal ratings-based
IRRBB= Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
IRC= Incremental risk charge
ISIN= International Securities Identification Number
LCR= Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LGD= Loss given default
MCR= Minimum Capital Requirement
MDB= Multilateral Development Bank
MtM =Mark-to-market
NPAs= Non Performing Assets
NSFR= Net Stable Funding Ratio
OECD =The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OBS= Off-balance sheet
PD =Probability of default
PSE= Public sector entity
PvP =Payment-versus-payment
RBA= Ratings-based approach
RBCA= Risk Based Capital Adequacy
RWA= Risk Weighted Asset
RSF =Required Stable Funding
SREP =Supervisory Review Evaluation Process
SRP= Supervisory Review Process
TSA =The Standardized Approach