Cash Dividend: Cash dividend is given on face value of the company in cash format to the investors' bank account. A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders. Dividend is the part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders annually. Cash dividend is a taxable income.
a. Investment amount = Number of Share x Market Price
= 2700 x BDT 72 = BDT 194400
b. Cash dividend before tax = (Number of Share x Face Value) x Dividend Rate
= (2700 x BDT10)x25% = BDT 6750
c. Tax Amount with TIN = Cash Dividend x Tax Rate
= BDT 6750 x 10%
= BDT 675
d. Cash dividend after tax = Cash dividend before ta - Tax amount with TIN
= BDT 6750 -BDT 675
= BDT 6075
e. Tax Amount without TIN = Cash Dividend x Tax Rate
= BDT 6750 x 15%
= BDT 1012.50
f. Cash dividend after tax = Cash dividend before tax - Tax amount without TIN
= BDT 6750 -BDT 1012.50
= BDT 5737.5