Some abbreviations are frequently come in every job examination. As it is a competitive exam, a participant should have to gather knowledge of some technical words which we are using in our daily life.

Some of these are given here:

SIM = Subscriber Identity Module

3G = 3rd Generation

Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity

MP3 = MPEG player lll

MP4 =  MPEG-4 video file

CD = Compact Disk

DVD = Digital Versatile Disk

USB = Universal Serial Bus

3GP = 3rd Generation Project

CRT = Cathode Ray Tube

AVI = Audio Video Interleave

HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language

HTTP =  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

GPRS = General Packet Radio Service

CDMA = Code Divison Multiple Access

JPEG = Joint Photographic Expert Group

GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication

VIRUS = Vital Information Resource Under Seized

AM/FM = Amplitude/Frequency Modulation

PDF = Portable Document Format

