Commercial banks use some specific acronyms and terms in conducting their business. Some of this acronymes are given here.
AAOIFI: Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions
AD: Authorized Dealer
ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADC: Alternative Delivery Channel
AGM: Annual General Meeting
ALCO: Asset Liability Committee
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
BAB: Bangladesh Association of Banks
BACH: Bangladesh Automated Clearing House
BACPS: Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System
BAFEDA: Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers Association
BAS: Bangladesh Accounting Standards
BB: Bangladesh Bank
BBTA: Bangladesh Bank Training Academy
BCP: Business Continuity Plan
BDT: Bangladeshi Taka
BEFTN: Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network
BFIU: Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit
BFRS: Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards
BIBM: Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management
BO: Beneficiary Owners
BRPD: Banking Regulation & Policy Department
BSA: Bangladesh Standards on Auditing
BSEC: Bangladesh Security and Exchange Commission
CAMLCO: Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer
CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio
CDBL: Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
CEO: Chief Executive Officer
CFO: Chief Financial Officer
CIB: Credit Information Bureau
CNG: Compressed Natural Gas
CPI: Consumer Price Index
CRAR: Capital Adequacy Assessment Ratio
CRISL: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited
CRO: Chief Risk Officer
CRR: Cash Reserve Requirement
CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
CSBIBB: Central Shariah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh
CSE: Chittagong Stock Exchange
CTR: Cash Transaction Report
DC: Data Center
DCFCL: Departmental Control Function Check List
DOS: Department of Offsite Supervision
DRS: Disaster Recovery Site
DSE: Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd
EFT: Electronic Fund Transfer
eIBS: Electronic Integrated Banking System
EPS: Earnings Per Share
ETP: Effluent Treatment Plants
EU: European Union
EVA: Economic Value Added
FCB: Foreign Commercial Bank
FY: Financial Year
GCIBFI: General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GOB: Government of Bangladesh
HDS: Household Durables Scheme
HFT: Held for Trading
HPSM: Hire-Purchase under Shirkatul Melk
HR: Human Resources
HTM: Held to Maturity
IAS: International Accounting Standards
IBB: Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh
IBBL: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
IBIT: Islami Bank Institute of Technology
IBCF: Islamic Banks Consultative Forum
IBCA: Inter Branch Credit Advice
IBDA: Inter Branch Debit Advice
IBP: Inland Bill Purchase
IBF: Islami Bank Foundation
IBTRA: Islami Bank Training & Research Academy
ICAB: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh
ICMAB: Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh
IC&CW: Internal Control & Compliance Wing
ICB: Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
ICT: Information and Communication Technology
ICTIC: Information and Communication Technology Implementation
IDB: Islamic Development Bank
IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standards
IPO: Initial Public Offering
IRG: Investment Risk Grading
LC: Letter of Credit
MCR: Minimum Capital Requirement
MEIS: Micro Enterprise Investment Scheme
MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIS: Management Information System
MPB: Mudaraba Perpetual Bond
NAV: Net Asset Value
NOC: No Objection Certificate
NPI: Non-performing Investment
NRD: Non Resident Dollar account
OBU: Offshore Banking Unit
PCB: Private Commercial Banks
POS: Point of Sales
PPD: Profit Paid on Deposits
PV: Present Value
RDS: Rural Development Scheme
R&D: Research and Development
RMG: Readymade Garments
ROA: Return on Assets
ROE: Return on Equity
ROI: Return on Investment
RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement
RWA: Risk Weighted Assets
SAFA: South Asian Fedaration of Accountants
SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission
SLR: Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SME: Small & Medium Enterprise
SMS: Short Massage Service
SMA: Special Mention Account
SOB: State Owned Banks
SRP: Supervisory Review Process
STR: Suspicious Transaction Report
SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Inter-Bank Financial Tele-communication
TA: Traveling Allowance
TOR: Terms of Reference
VAT: Value Added Tax
WAN: Wide Area Network